"I am a true beast. I am a beast in its purest nature, unchained to a mortal heart"
Growing up, February was kind, playful, and a liar. February grew up with January who was destined for royalty. February knew this, so he lied and said he was royalty too. This lie was the foundation of their friendship. January and February played together in secret and grew up together. The two became great friends, all while February lied. When January’s caretaker, the Moon, found out February’s true origins, she cursed February.
The curse afflicted February's entire body and soul slowly deforming him into a beast and shortening his days. This corruption spiraled February into a darkness deep inside his thoughts, he questioned the weight of the Moon’s decision, he questioned how deeply the curse would affect him, and he wondered if his body could withstand the curse. Deep in that darkness, February did not lie down. February was hungry for power, so he devoured all in his way. Scratching, snarling, clawing in protest to his corruption. As February grew in strength, two monstrous heads grew from the deformations inflicted on his body, accompanying him by his side to devour even more that fell to his strength. Finally, February became strong enough to conquer his own domain, solidifying his place as a month. This is how February became the chimera.
February was fast asleep after a long night of hunting, alone in his domain, when he was awakened by the light of the moon.
February growled, “What brings you to these depths my Moon, I do not wish to be in your company.”
The moon said pitying February, “Let me shine my light on your darkness February, so that you may find peace. I care for all of my months the same,”
“ The subsistence of my curse proves otherwise”
“You are the only one who continues to reopen your wounds, February. Do not become a contrarian for controversy’s sake, your ideals have become incestuous.”
“You call me a contrarian because I exist outside of your vision, it is I versus the incestuous confirmest.”
“You were kept away from January because she was given a gift. Since, you have gained your own power, but her purpose was carved out far before you found yours, and it was greater than yours. Orders are not given for the sake of orders but for the sake of a goal.”
“So you say I am unaligned with your goals?”
“And what would you say your goal is, February? Can you even be honest with yourself and your intentions?”
“You’re blind because you see my current state as my final goal, and that is all you care to see in me. You rebuke me because of it, and I fight you because I say I am still fighting for my goals.”
“February, I have given you a gift and you refuse to accept it.”
“Moon, I am no simple beast. I do not eat because food is in front of me, I do not hate because I am hurt, and I do not love because I have been loved; I am a true beast. I am a beast in its purest nature, unchained to a mortal heart.”
“You lost your heart because you rebelled against it. Be honest with your intentions, or you will never achieve them, February.”
February jolted awake in the middle of the night, holding his head in agony from the dream's impression on his mind. It seared his thoughts like a molten branding iron does cattle. The thought of the confrontation left him with a fleeting satisfaction that burned away into simmering hatred. The origin, an iota of pity fallen through the crevasse of his mind like a seed settling deep in the cracks of a stone. He needed to remove this seed. February retreated into the darkness of the ruins around him in search of more to devour.